New Joiner Onboarding MY

January 30, 2024
employee onboarding

What should be done by HR before an Employee Joins (HR’s Pre-employment Preparations)

Reading Time: < 1 min
December 26, 2023
Onboarding BrioHR

The Basics of Onboarding

Reading Time: < 1 min
December 14, 2023
Foreign workers Malaysia

Understanding the Foreign Worker Levy: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

Reading Time: < 1 min
November 9, 2023
Onboarding BrioHR

How to Create a Better Onboarding Experience

Reading Time: 5 mins We will explore the art of creating a better onboarding experience for all involved. If you’re starting a new job or welcoming a new team member, […]
September 12, 2023
hiring relatives in workplace

Navigating Nepotism: Handling the Hiring of Relatives

Reading Time: 2 mins The hiring process is one of the most critical aspects of building a successful organization. The key to ensuring that the workforce is diverse, skilled, and […]
September 7, 2023
new joiner make friends

9 Methods to Encourage New Joiners to Make Friends

Reading Time: 2 mins As HR professionals, a key objective is to ensure that new joiners have a positive and enriching experience within the workplace. One crucial aspect of this […]
September 27, 2022
generation z

8 Things You Should Be Doing to Recruit Generation Z

Reading Time: 4 mins Generation Z will shape your business and the wider workforce in the decades to come. Born between 1997 to 2010, Gen Z will make up 30 […]
September 15, 2022

5 Things That May Trip You Up About Employee Probation in Malaysia

Reading Time: 2 mins You’ve found your ideal candidate, they’ve signed on the dotted line, and they’re getting ready for their first day in the office. What comes next is […]
June 10, 2022

Preparing an Employee for Their First Day of Work

Reading Time: 3 mins When a new employee steps into their workplace for the first time, they’ll doubtlessly be feeling the classic “first day of school” mix of apprehension and […]
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