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The Basics of Employee Engagement Tue, 28 Nov 2023 02:11:53 +0000 Reading Time: < 1 min

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Reading Time: < 1 min

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How to Prepare for a Long Leave Tue, 21 Nov 2023 02:51:19 +0000 Reading Time: 4 mins Taking a long leave from work can be both exciting and daunting. Whether you’re planning a well-deserved vacation, dealing with a family emergency, or simply taking […]

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Reading Time: 4 mins

Taking a long leave from work can be both exciting and daunting. Whether you’re planning a well-deserved vacation, dealing with a family emergency, or simply taking a sabbatical, the process of preparing for an extended absence requires careful planning and organization. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to effectively prepare for a long leave, ensuring a smooth transition and peace of mind while you’re away.

1. Assess the Necessity of Your Leave

Before you embark on preparing for a long leave, it’s essential to evaluate why you need it critically. Is it for rest, a family event, or a pressing personal matter? Knowing the purpose behind your leave will help you make better decisions throughout the process. It is a critical step in ensuring your time off is well-planned and justified.

Just before requesting leave, consider its impact on your work, colleagues, and projects. Is it essential, or can it be rescheduled? Thoughtful assessment helps maintain productivity and team harmony, ensuring that your absence won’t disrupt essential operations. Make sure your leave serves a legitimate purpose and that you’ve explored alternative solutions, demonstrating your commitment to responsible time management and teamwork.

2. Notify Your Employer and Team

Once you’ve determined the need for a long leave, the next step is to communicate this to your employer and team. Be open and honest about the duration and reasons for your leave. Early notification allows your employer to plan accordingly, reducing any last-minute stress. Notifying your employer and team is a crucial part of the leave process. Keep them informed well in advance, providing clear details about your absence, duration, and reasons. 

This proactive approach allows for proper planning, workload redistribution, and ensures a smooth workflow during your absence. Effective communication fosters understanding and demonstrates professionalism, helping your team and employer manage the situation efficiently.

3. Delegate Responsibilities

In your absence, someone needs to cover your work responsibilities. Delegate tasks to your colleagues or team members, and make sure they have the necessary information and resources to fulfill these duties effectively. Identify key tasks and projects that require attention during your absence and assign them to capable colleagues. Effective delegation ensures that work continues to progress smoothly and that your team can handle any urgent matters that may arise. Providing clear instructions and support to those taking on your responsibilities is vital to maintain productivity and minimize disruptions. It shows your commitment to teamwork and responsible time management.

4. Prepare a Detailed Handover Document

A comprehensive handover document is your key to a smooth leave. Preparing a detailed handover document is crucial before taking leave. This document should comprehensively outline your ongoing tasks, projects, and any critical information your colleagues may need during your absence. Include clear instructions, deadlines, and contact details for any urgent issues. 

A well-prepared handover ensures a smooth transition, minimizes disruptions, and empowers your team to manage your responsibilities effectively. It reflects your commitment to a seamless workflow and responsible teamwork, helping everyone involved to stay on track in your absence.

5. Set Up an Out-of-Office Message

Before you go, configure a professional out-of-office message on your email and other communication platforms. Let people know when you’ll be back and provide an alternative contact in case of urgency. Setting up an out-of-office message is a practical step before going on leave. This auto-reply email informs senders that you are away, and it provides essential details like your return date and an alternative contact person if necessary. 

A well-crafted message should be concise, professional, and convey that you are temporarily unavailable while assuring senders that their messages will be addressed upon your return. This simple yet effective tool helps manage expectations, reduce stress, and maintain professional communication during your absence.

6. Emergency Preparedness

Identify potential emergencies and create contingency plans:

  • Assess possible scenarios that could arise during your absence, such as project setbacks, technical issues, or unexpected challenges.
  • Develop detailed contingency plans for each identified emergency, outlining specific steps and solutions.
  • Consider involving key team members in brainstorming and refining these plans to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Share emergency contact information with relevant parties:

  • Compile a list of essential contacts, including team members, clients, and stakeholders.
  • Clearly communicate this list to relevant parties, ensuring everyone knows who to contact in case of an emergency.
  • Include alternative contacts in case the primary ones are unavailable, providing a hierarchy for reaching out.

Make arrangements for someone to handle urgent matters in your absence:

  • Designate a responsible colleague or team member to act as your point of contact during the leave.
  • Clearly communicate the responsibilities and decision-making authority granted to this person.
  • Ensure the designated contact is well-informed about ongoing projects, deadlines, and any specific requirements related to your role.

By proactively identifying potential emergencies, sharing crucial contact information, and designating a capable point of contact, you can significantly enhance your emergency preparedness for a long leave. This proactive approach helps minimize disruptions and ensures a smoother transition during unforeseen circumstances.

7. Health and Wellness Check

Prior to taking leave, conducting a health and wellness check is essential. Schedule any necessary medical appointments to address health concerns and refill prescriptions to ensure you have an adequate supply during your absence. Assess your overall well-being and make any adjustments to your diet, exercise, and sleep routines to maintain good health during your leave. This proactive approach will help you enjoy your time off while ensuring that you’re physically and mentally prepared to return to your responsibilities feeling refreshed and revitalized.

8. Reacclimatize to Work Upon Your Return

Your return to work is just as crucial as your leave preparation. Reacclimatizing to work upon your return is crucial for a smooth transition back into your professional responsibilities. Take some time to review any notes or emails you missed during your leave. Meet with colleagues to catch up on project updates and discuss any changes or developments in your absence. Ease into your workload gradually, prioritizing tasks and setting realistic expectations. By taking these steps, you can minimize stress, ensure a seamless return to work, and maintain productivity as you readjust to your professional routine.

In conclusion, preparing for an extended vacation involves careful planning, communication, and organization. By following these steps and addressing the key considerations, you can ensure a stress-free and enjoyable leave while maintaining a smooth reintegration into your work life upon your return. Remember, a well-prepared extended vacation is an opportunity to recharge and come back even more productive and refreshed.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long in advance should I notify my employer about my long leave?

It’s advisable to inform your employer at least one to three months in advance to give them ample time to plan for your absence.

What should I include in my handover document?

Your handover document should cover project details, contact information, deadlines, and any specific instructions for your colleagues.

How can I ensure my home is secure while I’m away?

Lock all doors and windows, set up security systems if possible, and consider asking a trusted neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your property.

What is the ideal length for a long leave?

The ideal length for a long leave depends on your personal circumstances and the purpose of your leave. It can range from a few weeks to several months.

How can I make the transition back to work smoother?

Schedule a transition day upon your return to catch up on emails and tasks and gradually ease back into your work routine.

With a secure, scalable, user-friendly platform, BrioHR covers the entire employee journey from recruitment to onboarding, payroll and claims, to performance and analytics, and more.

This enables business owners and HR teams to truly focus on what matters most – people.

Visit and get a free demo now.

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HR Guide to Show Cause Letter Thu, 26 Oct 2023 00:49:00 +0000 Reading Time: 3 mins In the world of employment, performance and conduct are of paramount importance. However, there may be instances when an employee’s actions or behavior raise concerns and […]

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Reading Time: 3 mins

In the world of employment, performance and conduct are of paramount importance. However, there may be instances when an employee’s actions or behavior raise concerns and may warrant disciplinary action. In such cases, employers must follow a fair and transparent process to address the issues effectively through show cause letter.

Investigative Techniques

A proper investigation to gather evidence is crucial before issuing a show cause letter for alleged misconduct or underperformance.

HR should interview witnesses or anyone involved in the incident to document misconduct to get firsthand accounts. Meet with witnesses individually and have them provide a signed statement detailing their full recollection of the events. Ask follow-up questions to verify details.

Review any documentation related to the allegations, like emails, written policies, past performance reviews, or previous warnings. Ensure proper protocols are followed and maintain copies of relevant documents. Check timecards, records, or other physical evidence if applicable.

For underperformance issues, compile documentation over time like missed deadlines, lack of completed work, quality issues, or samples of subpar work. Provide evidence of coaching and support attempts. Document performance discussions.

Consult legal counsel to ensure investigation techniques will hold up if challenged legally. Fully investigating allegations using interviews, documentation, and physical evidence provides HR with the details needed to issue a show cause letter and proceed with any warranted discipline. Maintain thorough documentation throughout the investigative process.

Disciplinary Options

There are various forms of disciplinary action that can be taken following a show cause letter procedure:

Verbal Warning: This is the lowest level of discipline. The employee’s manager has a discussion with them, explaining the problematic behavior, outlining expectations going forward, and making clear that additional issues will result in escalation. This provides an initial opportunity for improvement.

Written Warning: With a written warning, the problematic behavior is documented in a formal notice that is added to the employee’s personnel file. It cites details of the issues and required changes, serving as an official record in case further discipline is warranted. Employees normally have to sign the written warning acknowledging its receipt.

Suspension: If more significant than a warning is required, suspending an employee temporarily without pay demonstrates the severity of the situation while stopping short of full termination. The length of the suspension is specified, and duties are restricted during that time frame. Suspension gives employees an incentive to correct issues prior to potential termination.

Demotion: For management-level employees, demotion to a lower position with a corresponding salary decrease may be suitable. This removes duties that the employee failed to perform properly in their previous role. Their skills may be better suited for lower-level responsibilities.

Termination: When misconduct is severe, or an employee fails to improve after progressive discipline, termination may be justified. This permanently severs the employment relationship. Sufficient documentation should demonstrate the means by which lesser disciplinary measures failed prior to terminating employment.

Ideally, discipline should escalate incrementally to provide opportunities for improvement through warnings, suspension, or demotion before resorting to termination. However, aggravating factors may warrant bypassing progressive steps to immediate termination, depending on the circumstances.

Best Practices

When drafting a show cause letter, be specific when describing the allegations and citing policy violations, but maintain an objective tone. Avoid accusatory language. Follow protocols and allow reasonable response time. Have a legal review of the letter before sending it.

When issuing the letter, do so discreetly by meeting in person and emphasizing the goal of a full understanding. Explain the next steps in the process and potential consequences. Document the conversation.

Common mistakes to avoid include:

  • Failing to fully investigate allegations before issuing the letter.
  • Not providing adequate time for the employee to respond.
  • Neglecting to maintain confidentiality during the process.
  • Issuing disciplinary action before the response deadline passes.
  • Forgetting to have the employee acknowledge receipt of the letter.

Following proper procedures for show-cause letters is essential to avoid missteps. With care, they can be constructive in correcting issues before considering termination.

What to Do After Issuing a Show Cause Letter

After issuing a Show Cause Letter to an employee, HR departments must follow a set of necessary steps to ensure a fair and thorough process. The first step is to review the employee’s response to the letter, allowing them to explain their side of the story. Considering any mitigating circumstances and relevant workplace history during this review process is essential.

Next, a fair hearing should be conducted to evaluate the allegations and the employee’s response. This may involve conducting an internal investigation and gathering additional evidence or witness statements. It is crucial to ensure that the process is unbiased and that the employee can present their case before making any decisions.

HR should determine the appropriate disciplinary measures after evaluating all the evidence and considering any mitigating circumstances. This may involve issuing a warning letter, imposing a period of suspension, or, in severe cases, initiating legal action or termination of employment. The chosen disciplinary measures should align with company policies and employment law.

Throughout the process, it is crucial to avoid the appearance of bias. This can be achieved by consistently maintaining confidentiality, treating all employees involved, and establishing approval authority limits. The disciplinary process should be conducted transparently and fairly, ensuring that all employees are afforded a reasonable response period and that the allegations are communicated in unambiguous language.

BrioHR Leads the Way in Streamlined Employee Management

As the article highlights the importance of a show cause letter in addressing employee misconduct, it’s equally vital to have an efficient HR system in place to manage such processes. BrioHR, with its comprehensive suite of HR tools, can be an invaluable asset for organizations. Its user-friendly platform ensures that HR departments can effectively manage disciplinary processes, from issuing show-cause letters to evaluating employee responses and determining appropriate disciplinary actions.

With a secure, scalable, user-friendly platform, BrioHR covers the entire employee journey from recruitment to onboarding, payroll and claims, to performance and analytics, and more.

This enables business owners and HR teams to truly focus on what matters most – people.

Visit and get a free demo now.

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How does HR play a part in making the workplace joyful Fri, 21 Jan 2022 07:20:53 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins Hiring positive personalities When it comes to hiring, companies rely on their HR to get the right candidate who fits a vacant position and the company’s […]

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Reading Time: 2 minsHiring positive personalities
When it comes to hiring, companies rely on their HR to get the right candidate who fits a vacant position and the company’s culture. The individual’s personality is very often ignored as HR spends most of their time focusing on ticking off boxes on standard hiring checklists – candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experience.

However, it’s often the individual’s personality that counts most as it has a huge impact on the others working with them, and on their own potential with the company. A negative vibe may be toxic to the workplace, killing productivity and morale within the workforce.

During the hiring process, it helps if HR can concentrate their efforts on the candidate’s personality. HR can pick out traits through their communication and read their body language and behavior during the interview process. For this, it is best for companies to be equipped with tools which are able to automate standard requirements to enable HR to focus on the candidate’s soft skills.

Creating a feel-good workplace culture
HR plays a huge role in creating a positively challenging yet safe and happy workplace for employees. A feel-good management enables performance and create engagement. The workplace culture is impacted by its people, values and the physical environment. HR can play a part by telling new hires from the start what and why they are doing something, and especially explaining how these actions fit into the overall plan and competency framework of the company.

For example, at BrioHR, we have flexible working hours and an unlimited leave policy. When new employees join the team, during their onboarding, they see that ours is a culture built on trust and respect – everyone trusts that their team mate is doing their best in their everyday tasks, everyone respects each others’ decisions. This culture is reinforced verbally multiple times by everyone in the company, as new hires may require time to acclimatize to such an independent way of working. However, the perks of verbal reinforcement are such that new hires don’t have to assume or second guess.

A Better Recruitment Strategy & Employee Retention
HR is also in charge of recruitment. Based on a company’s culture and values, HR will be able to select candidates that fit the company’s work-style. During the hiring process, HR can look into candidates’ hard skills but should definitely not miss out on their soft skills, making sure to include them in the score card and preventing bias via an open & transparent recruiting system.

Individuals who show great enthusiasm about their careers and are coachable are the ones you want to hire. When HR picks out the best candidates that match the company’s values, they stay longer in the company. This reduces turnover. The cost of replacing employees then drops drastically.

Solve Employee Issue Before They Become Critical
Unhappy employees could sometimes take legal action against an employer, or become cause for legal action. Sometimes, these battles can turn ugly and be very costly for the company in terms of legal fees or impact to the brand. Equipping HR with the tools and time they need to identify potential issues and resolve them quickly is both time and cost saving.

HR Can Increase Profitability
HR can contribute profitability to businesses if given the right tools to increase efficiency, data granularity, and predictive capabilities. Recognizing all the different ways HR can contribute to your company’s betterment helps increase employee satisfaction, which in turn boosts productivity and ultimately results in higher profitability.

Need assistance with any or all of your human resource needs? BrioHR provides solutions that fit any company, regardless of size, maturity, or industry.

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10 signs that you work in Payroll, and you really need a break Tue, 04 Jan 2022 08:17:11 +0000 Reading Time: 3 mins This blog post is written by Jon Cohen, Head of People & Culture, BrioHR. Everyone needs to get paid! In the corporate sector most people expect […]

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Reading Time: 3 minsThis blog post is written by Jon Cohen, Head of People & Culture, BrioHR.

Everyone needs to get paid! In the corporate sector most people expect to get paid once a month, and they expect (rightly so) for it to be correct. But if you have ever tried to process payroll using Excel you will know how frustratingly complex it can be. Even leading payroll outsourcing companies and payroll software sometimes or often get it wrong.

Here are 10 signs that you work in payroll and you REALLY need a break, you are not alone – there is one in every company:

10 Signs That You Work in Payroll And You Really Need A Break
1. You can never take Annual Leave at the end of the month
Planning an end-of month getaway? Forget it! The team cannot possibly process payroll without you. You need to carefully plan your holidays to avoid payday week, new joiners’ onboarding, performance cycles, bonus period, HR audits and so on. Oh, guess you aren’t taking a holiday this year.

2. When you look at an employee, you don’t see a person, you just see their tax calculations
You feel like you live in the Matrix, endlessly cascading numbers falling all around you. Employees cease to exist for you, they are just calculations, deductions, and formulas. Interns are a glitch in the Matrix.

3. All your friends and ex-colleagues call you for advice every time there is a change in tax regulations
Is it rude to block your friends’ numbers? Is there a sign on your head that says ‘free advice on payroll related matters?’ Everyone wants to talk to you about their payroll problems but nobody cares about your problems.

4. You work more than 75 hours in the week leading up to payday
Overtime calculations, 4000 claims receipts, variable commission all submitted in the wrong format. You no longer remember the difference between day and night, you forget the taste of food. 24/7 is still not enough time to complete everything, but somehow you do complete it.

5. You can’t switch off from thinking about tax, deductions, allowances, and benefits
You run to the coffee shop for a quick (and much needed) caffeine fix. You try to order a ‘Large Latte’ but you accidentally say ‘I’ll have a Large Statutory Deduction Please’. Whenever you see a nice family with kids enjoying themselves you can’t help thinking of the tax benefits if they had one more kid!

6. Nightmares about making mistakes keep you awake all night
Waking up in a cold sweat because you can’t remember if you completed all your tasks or just dreamed about doing it. Or do you suffer from the ultimate payroll nightmare – the CEO didn’t get their salary this month – someone’s gonna get hurt real bad!

7. You avoid socialising with employees in case they ask you to explain something they don’t understand in their payslip
You are nervous, you constantly look at the clock, it’s almost time, your anxiety hits an all time high! Have you got an important presentation? NO. Have you got a high pressure meeting with the CEO? NO. Has the sales team casually asked you to join them for lunch and you know they will ask about how commission is calculated? YEEESSS! BUT PLEASE NOOOO!

8. ‘Frustration’ and ‘Stress’ feel like they should be words in your job description
When you applied for the job, you vaguely remember reading the job description. It was full of excitement, promise, enthusiasm. But you can’t remember it saying ‘must be comfortable with constant frustration’ or ‘love feeling stressed 24/7’.

9. Your finger hovers over the ‘Send payslip’ button for a full minute whilst you plan your escape route
You know there will be employees unhappy with their payslip, even though it is 100% correct. You send the payslips, run to the elevator, jump in the car, and you have escaped… until the next morning! We have all been there, regardless of your job. Sometimes you want to send an email but you don’t know if you should, you are scared of the consequences so you just stare at the send button for an hour!

10. I couldn’t think of a 10th sign, but if the first 9 signs apply to you, maybe it’s time to start using BrioHR to process your payroll.
BrioHR is made up of HR and Asia Payroll experts. We are recognised as one of the best Malaysian HR Payroll softwares.

Payroll in Malaysia is even more complex than most countries. Many established HR systems are unable to process payroll for Malaysia and companies resort to paying for a specific Malaysia payroll system that more often than not will not integrate with their HR system.

The Covid pandemic has forced companies to look for cloud payroll solutions that allow payroll to be processed securely online and remotely. Online Payroll Systems in Malaysia that focus specifically on Malaysia payroll are few and far between.

BrioHR’s payroll module is fast becoming the most popular payroll solution in Malaysia. Startups, SMEs and large companies alike have switched their payroll to BrioHR.

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Fully Unlocking The Value Of Human Capital Thu, 10 Dec 2020 08:22:50 +0000 Reading Time: 5 mins On 21 November 2020, BrioHR’s CEO and co-founder, Benjamin Croc, was invited to speak at the ADAPT International Convention, the world’s largest online tech conference, alongside […]

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Reading Time: 5 minsOn 21 November 2020, BrioHR’s CEO and co-founder, Benjamin Croc, was invited to speak at the ADAPT International Convention, the world’s largest online tech conference, alongside other global entrepreneurs.

Conducted online due to the pandemic, Benjamin highlighted the issue most companies are facing on a day-to-day basis, and shared insightful tips on how to ‘Fully Unlock The Value of Human Capital – The BrioHR Way’.

The 3 key points Benjamin covered are:

How should companies see Human Capital and what does it really mean?
What can we do practically and concretely to make the best out of our employees?
How can we do it?
The 3 Key Points Benjamin Covered:
1. How should companies consider Human Capital?
Benjamin Croc: “Whenever we ask business leaders, CEOs, or directors ‘What is the single most important asset in your companies?’, invariably their answer is ‘Our people’. Yet we see so little time and resources dedicated to help employees perform better and to their best. After all, this is for the sake of the company.

‘How should companies define people who are their most valuable asset?’

It goes beyond the term ‘People’. It’s essential for companies to know what kind of people they need for the company to excel, and how each employee can be on top of their game.

We can define people in 3 different ways:

• Firstly, companies need happy and engaged employees. It’s important for people to know what they like to do and how their contributions help the company perform better.
• Secondly, it’s essential for people to understand the company’s objectives – the mission and vision of the company, and make sure they are aligned with them.
• Thirdly, people need to know what is expected of them, when they need to perform, and what they can bring to the company.
If companies consider human capital to be their main asset, then it is important for them to dedicate enough resources by investing the right amount of time, money, and attention in their employees. What’s essential is to proactively and deliberately act on these three main areas. In the end, employees will be more productive and satisfied, so it’s a win-win situation where on one hand the company will have employees who perform better, and on the other, employees are happier in their job and in their day-to-day life.”

2. What are actionable things we can do to bring the best out of our employees?
Benjamin Croc: “Firstly, the norm is to now manage and engage employees even before their Day-1. The New Joiner Onboarding process should start as soon as the offer letter is accepted by the candidate, and from that point on, they are to be considered as a new member of your team. Their notice period could even be as long as 3 months before their actual start date, but engaging and managing that specific employee has already started. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Start off with simple actions and refine the New Joiner Onboarding process as you go. It’s essential that you make something happen in the early stages when you’re not used to doing this process. But the key is to start with simple and actionable steps.

There’ll definitely be some who’ll advocate that this could be done much earlier, and yes that is true. In fact, we engage people or potential candidates right from the moment we communicate about the company values when we talk about it on social media or anywhere else, but most importantly the nature of the interaction and relationships that you build with candidates,whether these candidates join your organization in the end or not. It plays a crucial role in terms of employer branding as well.”

Here are 3 examples to illustrate how companies can engage, respect, and manage their people with simple and actionable steps.

Responding to rejected candidates
The Onboarding process
The new joiner’s Day-1

Responding to rejected candidates

“One of the most vivid examples that I have in mind is the case of rejected candidates. We could simply say we are not going to hire them so we don’t need to respond to them but personally I think that it’s not very respectful to these candidates to do that as they showed interest in your organization and have spent their time applying for a job position and potentially interviewing with you.

On the other hand, we have organizations who’ll say that we need to respect candidates even when we reject them and therefore, respond to each and every one of them personally. There’s no doubt that it is a genuine intent. The problem is that this will never be done because it’s too time-consuming and too cumbersome. It’s not the HR person’s fault nor the recruiter’s that the candidate didn’t get a closure, but it’s just that it is not manageable.

There’s a way to at least put in place a standard rejection email to, at least, let them know that they’ve not been selected for the particular job position. It may seem like a prewritten email, but that’s fine. At least they have closure and will be able to move on. They won’t be saying three months down the line that ‘This company couldn’t even take 2 minutes of their time to respond to my email!’

It is essential to put in place simple and actionable steps to give closure to rejected candidates. It’s an example of how companies can engage, respect, and manage their people right from the hiring process.”

The Onboarding process

“Onboarding is the first deep interaction that new employees will have with your company. As I’ve previously mentioned, Onboarding should start even before their first day. It’s easy to invite a future new joiner to a team lunch, or assign a buddy for the new hire who’ll be able to tell them how things are happening in the company and so on. It is in fact very important as it makes the new employee feel as if he or she is already part of the team, and that’s actually key.”

The new joiner’s Day-1

“We’ve all had a mixed experience on our Day-1 at a company. It’s as simple as having someone to welcome you, or having a well-defined plan, or having someone to show you around the office so you don’t waste time or have unnecessary stress and so on. These simple actions which are easy to put in place, and done in isolation will give a first memorable experience and impression to the new joiners. These new joiners will instantly have the feeling of being able to grow in your company and feel that they’ll enjoy spending most of their day at the office. It’s to avoid them from only taking your company as a physical space where they would spend a few months, or a year or two and add a line on their resume.”

3. How can we do it?
Benjamin Croc: “Actions can be very simple and it’s all about doing them. The question is then, ‘Why don’t we do it enough?’ or ‘Why can’t we do it enough?’ In fact, they are easy to identify and put in place. But companies don’t do it. Why? The reason is very simple: Most companies don’t have the appropriate tools. Companies need tools as these seamlessly simple tasks and activities done in isolation have numerous complex processes. If we go back to the Onboarding process example, there are many administrative aspects such as collecting data to be able to process Payroll, or collecting the new joiner’s personal information that you’ll need to comply with the applicable laws, making sure the access card to the building is ready, the equipment, where will the new joiner’s space be, manage the whole probation period by giving them all the tools and knowledge they need to be able to perform their work correctly, etc. In the end, this represents a lot of activities to manage, and this is only the Onboarding process. There’s also the day-to-day activities, or even managing their performance, and so on.”

Here are examples of how tools can actually help companies if they are used in the right manner. It’s something that companies are almost not capable of doing without a tool, if they are expecting to give a good employee experience.

An all-in-one HR management platform

“These platforms are there to simplify the work so that there won’t be information to be collected and given here and there using Excel, or Word, or any other software. In addition to making it simple, it’ll make every interaction flow naturally, and also more accurately. This is how we unlock the human capital ‘The BrioHR Way’. This is our aim and we constantly work with our clients to add and refine what we offer but the idea is mainly to cover the full employee journey from Recruitment, then the New Joiner Onboarding, then the administrative portion where Leave Management, Claims, Payroll, Employee File & Document Management come into place. Lastly, in this new era where remote working has become a norm, Performance Management helps a lot as well.

When we think about this from a global point of view, we’re able to craft a standard but yet tailor-made journey for the employees. Although every employee might have the same activities to go through, they’ll be able to interact with their own manager and colleagues. Each of these processes are unique but it all follows an identical framework for a person who is an outsider to becoming the best performer at your company. That’s the main reason why it’s essential to think about the employee journey right from the start. This is our main focus at BrioHR which is to help companies have a turnkey, full-fledged HR environment to then be able to design their processus, and implement them – which is usually one of the most time-consuming parts as HR spend a huge amount of time on this.

If all the negative frictions in the implementation for HR and employees are removed and handled by a software, or a platform such as BrioHR, then everyone can save a lot of time. But most importantly, when employees actually interact amongst themselves, they can only have high quality discussions such as career development, or asking how they are doing or feeling, or what could be done better, instead of having insisting on reminders for simple tasks. That’s the whole idea of a full digitisation across the full employee spectrum can greatly improve the performance of the employee, HR and ultimately the company’s performance.”

Watch the full video here: ‘Fully Unlocking The Value Of Human Capital – The BrioHR Way’ by Benjamin Croc at ADAPT International Convention 2020

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Is HR The ‘Mom’ Of The Office? Fri, 31 Jul 2020 07:27:14 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins MOTHER’S DAY – 10 MAY People in HR are usually seen as nurturers, who naturally care for others and want to build relationships with teammates. Their […]

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Reading Time: 2 minsMOTHER’S DAY – 10 MAY
People in HR are usually seen as nurturers, who naturally care for others and want to build relationships with teammates. Their desire to have authentic connections play an important part in how they’re able to manage people to make ‘work life’ enjoyable for team members, or at least less stressful.

Where there are groups of individuals, there will be both the best and worst of humanity on display. An HR professional’s job is to deal with all of it (the good and the bad), while finding ways to ensure harmony and productivity. The way to keep humanity in human resources is to never lose sight of the fact that people come to work with their own sets of strengths and weaknesses, their own joys and deep concerns.

This is why, people in HR enjoy having a more personal relationship with others and make team members feel comfortable sharing personal experiences — weekend getaways, travel, sports activities, illness, family and all the other things that influence how we interact with our teammates. To be able to do that, HR professionals have to be emotionally present, authentically caring but protected at the same time.

Good listeners
The humanity in human resources is the ability to help others by comforting them in difficulties they are facing. Most times, people know that they can’t change the situation of something happening or what’s going to happen but when they feel like someone is listening to them, it makes a huge difference. That is why one of the fundamental skills that an HR professional possesses is the ability to listen. By listening attentively, they understand the core problem and can help find a solution if there is one, or simply lend an ear.

Open minded and flexible
In a world where everyone thinks they are right — we all look at things from different perspectives, depending on the experiences we have had, external factors from situations we are facing, or cultural differences. HR professionals have the capacity to view a situation from different angles as it is essential for them to have an open mindset, and be empathetic and caring. When you are empathetic, you can easily put yourself in another person’s shoes and understand what they are going through — which enables you to better do what you can to care for their needs. Flexibility means being able to adapt to different situations to be able to cater for various needs of teammates (yes, it’s a balancing act if needs clash within teams or with the organization’s).

BrioHR’s Moms share their stories with us

How BrioHR’s Moms do it for their team members

(Clockwise from top left) Futsal session; ‘Wear It Pink’ for Breast Cancer Day; The Music Run 10km; BrioHR’s 1st anniversary celebration; Plogging (jogging while picking up litter) at Bukit Gasing; Paintball session; Badminton game; Hiking at Bukit Tabur.

As an HR management software company, our initiative is to help others to make the ‘working world’ a better place for everyone. These are uncertain times and we know that many may have been impacted as they may have lost their jobs due to Covid-19. We are ideally placed to assist, so we’ve decided to start an initiative by launching Sharing is Caring to share CVs with hiring companies in our network.

How it works:
If you have lost your job due to COVID-19 economic impact: Go to this link and drop your CV off. It will be displayed within our system immediately, for recruiters to access.

If you are a recruiter from a company looking to hire: Email us at, and we’ll set you up with access to our Recruitment system. It’s completely free.

If you are looking for an all-in-one HR management software which helps automate all your repetitive HR tasks, try BrioHR’s software today. Click here to get a free demo!

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Should HR Get Involved If Some Employees Hate Each Other? Fri, 31 Jul 2020 07:26:17 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR TOLERANCE – 16 NOVEMBER Disagreements that happen between employees are practically inevitable. In fact, in today’s workplace, people actually leave their jobs due […]

The post Should HR Get Involved If Some Employees Hate Each Other? appeared first on BrioHR.

Disagreements that happen between employees are practically inevitable. In fact, in today’s workplace, people actually leave their jobs due to toxic work teams. It is indispensable for companies to intervene if these conflicts are affecting the employees’ work and productivity. Otherwise, it is preferable for companies to stay away from personal issues when it is not work related.

Companies are encouraged to adopt a culture that fosters collaboration, encouragement, and unity at the workplace. Fostering mutual understanding among people working together is one of the key values in order to practice tolerance. It is more important than ever in this era where individuals have different ideas and opinions for employees to broaden their mindset to better understand and learn from others.

How Do Companies Deal With Employees Having Conflicts And What Solutions Can They Provide To Counter Intolerance?
Creating a culture of ideas starts with its leaders. Leaders play an important role in setting the right tone at the workplace. Being a good listener and having an open mindset encourages employees to share their thoughts and take initiatives.Setting solid company values shape your culture. The core values must be adopted by all on a daily basis. This helps set basic standards which cultivates a harmonious environment.

Greater emphasis should be placed on educating employees more about having a growth mindset. Educate them about how to listen and accept others’ perspectives without ego or judgement, which can help them find innovative new solutions or simply grow as an individual.

It is also crucial for employees to differentiate between facts and opinions. Very often people mistake an opinion for a fact and then base their reactions on that.

Often conflicts erupts because one person doesn’t feel heard. Just making someone feel heard can help. Here’s where HR can step in when they identify a conflict between two employees. HR can often look at things from an outside viewpoint and spot what can’t be seen close up. They can institute policies & processes and offer the training necessary, for employees to address conflict or negativity in a constructive manner.

HR can guide employees to find a solution to their issues and as often as possible let them handle it by themselves. Following up with them is the most difficult part but crucial to let them know you are there to help them work it out.

When it is work related, the fact that people disagree isn’t a bad thing, it’s how companies manage conflicts that can result in loss of productivity or gain in solidarity & diversity.

Not dealing with these issues can make just coming into the office stressful and uncomfortable for everyone involved as the tension between these individuals affects their work as well as others working closely to them. Handled constructively, HR’s intervention as a coach and guide can help them work through it on their own instead of solving it for them.

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You Prosper, I Prosper, We Prosper: How HR Is Key To Profitability Fri, 31 Jul 2020 07:14:25 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins HR is more than a department that handles new joiner orientation and administrative paperwork for employees. In fact, HR’s ultimate role in a company is as […]

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Reading Time: 2 minsHR is more than a department that handles new joiner orientation and administrative paperwork for employees. In fact, HR’s ultimate role in a company is as a strategic partner to increase profitability and put in place a culture of peak performance.

Here Are Ways HR Can Be A Strategic Partner.
Valuable HR Strategies For Planning & Growth
Automating HR processes and digitizing files play a key role in strategic business development. Many aspects of a business process can be measured with the right tools. Automation allows HR to communicate better and align with other departments leading to synergistic benefits from higher efficiencies and resource maximizing.

HR analytic reports also carry valuable information that enables companies to make better future strategies based on historical data. By analyzing past data, organizations can design a workforce that meets its present and future needs.

New Joiner Onboarding Done Right
The onboarding process plays a vital role in the employee journey. Every action during this stage will have a favorable or detrimental impact on the employee’s life cycle. HR is responsible for taking measures to ensure that new hires get the preparation and training they need in order to perform to their best. When employees are provided with the adequate training and equipped with the right tools, they are able to perform more effectively and are more productive.

A Better Recruitment Strategy & Employee Retention
HR is also in charge of recruitment. Based on a company’s culture and values, HR will be able to select candidates that fit the company’s work-style. During the hiring process, HR can look into candidates’ hard skills but should definitely not miss out on their soft skills, making sure to include them in the score card and preventing bias via an open & transparent recruiting system.

Individuals who show great enthusiasm about their careers and are coachable are the ones you want to hire. When HR picks out the best candidates that match the company’s values, they stay longer in the company. This reduces turnover. The cost of replacing employees then drops drastically.

Solve Employee Issue Before They Become Critical
Unhappy employees could sometimes take legal action against an employer, or become cause for legal action. Sometimes, these battles can turn ugly and be very costly for the company in terms of legal fees or impact to the brand. Equipping HR with the tools and time they need to identify potential issues and resolve them quickly is both time and cost saving.

HR Can Increase Profitability
HR can contribute profitability to businesses if given the right tools to increase efficiency, data granularity, and predictive capabilities. Recognizing all the different ways HR can contribute to your company’s betterment helps increase employee satisfaction, which in turn boosts productivity and ultimately results in higher profitability.

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