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How to Create a Better Onboarding Experience Thu, 09 Nov 2023 03:19:36 +0000 Reading Time: 5 mins We will explore the art of creating a better onboarding experience for all involved. If you’re starting a new job or welcoming a new team member, […]

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Reading Time: 5 mins

We will explore the art of creating a better onboarding experience for all involved. If you’re starting a new job or welcoming a new team member, you’ve experienced the process of onboarding. It’s more than just paperwork and protocols; it’s the beginning of a journey in a new environment. We’ll dive into the onboarding experience, offering insights, tips, and practical advice. By the time you finish reading, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to foster a more effective onboarding process that leaves a lasting impact.

1. What is Onboarding?

Onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into an organization. It goes beyond orientation and encompasses the steps taken to help new hires become productive and engaged team members. Effective onboarding should facilitate a smooth transition for the employee while aligning them with the company’s mission, vision, and values.

2. Why Does Onboarding Matter?

Effective onboarding matters for several reasons. First and foremost, it sets the tone for the employee’s journey within the organization. A well-structured onboarding process ensures that employees have the tools, knowledge, and confidence to excel in their roles. It also helps in retaining top talent, as employees who have a positive attitude are more likely to stay with the company. Things to include:

  • Retention: Effective onboarding significantly contributes to employee retention. When employees have a positive experience, they are more likely to stay with the company for the long term. This not only saves on recruitment costs but also ensures a stable and experienced workforce.
  • Productivity: Onboarding equips employees with the necessary tools and knowledge to do their job effectively. When done right, it accelerates the learning curve, enabling new hires to become productive members of the team sooner.
  • Cultural Integration: Onboarding is a prime opportunity to introduce new employees to the company’s culture, values, and mission. Understanding these aspects early on helps employees align with the organization’s goals and feel more connected to their work.
  • Engagement: An engaging onboarding process keeps employees interested and motivated. It fosters a sense of belonging and commitment, which, in turn, leads to better job performance.
  • Compliance and Safety: Onboarding ensures that new employees are aware of company policies, safety procedures, and legal requirements. This is essential for the well-being of both employees and the organization.
  • Communication: Onboarding encourages open lines of communication. It provides a platform for new employees to ask questions, seek clarification, and voice their concerns. This establishes a culture of transparency and trust from the start.
  • Adaptation: Change can be challenging. Onboarding helps employees adapt to their new environment, reducing anxiety and stress associated with a new job. It’s an essential step in helping them feel comfortable and confident.

3. The Onboarding Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing for Day One

The process should start before the employee’s first day. Ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed and the employee’s workstation is set up. This way, they can dive into work from day one without being bogged down by administrative tasks.

First Impressions

The first day is crucial. Make the employee feel welcomed and valued. Assign a buddy or mentor to help them navigate the office, introduce them to colleagues, and provide a sense of belonging. First impressions have a lasting impact.

Training and Skill Development

Provide comprehensive training that equips employees with the skills and knowledge required for their roles. This should include job-specific training but also broader training on company policies and procedures.

Company Culture and Values

Introduce employees to the company’s culture and values. Explain the mission, vision, and goals. Employees who understand the bigger picture are more likely to be engaged and committed.

4. Personalizing the Onboarding Experience

One of the key principles in modern onboarding is the recognition that one size does not fit all. Every new employee is a unique individual with different needs, skills, and goals. To create a truly effective experience in onboarding, personalization is essential. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Assess Individual Needs: Begin by understanding the unique requirements of each new employee. What are their strengths, weaknesses, and prior experiences? What are their career goals and aspirations? This information will be the foundation for personalization.
  • Customized Training: Tailor the training program to the specific needs of the employee. If they possess certain skills or experiences, skip redundant training. Instead, focus on what’s new or crucial for their role.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Assign a mentor or buddy who can provide one-on-one support. This mentor should understand the individual’s background and goals and be able to guide them through the nuances of the company.
  • Flexible Timeline: Recognize that not everyone learns at the same pace. Allow flexibility in the onboarding timeline to accommodate different learning speeds. Some employees may grasp concepts quickly, while others might need more time.
  • Job Role Flexibility: In some cases, the job role itself can be adapted to suit the skills and interests of the new employee. Personalizing their role can lead to better job satisfaction and performance.

5. The Role of Technology in Onboarding

Leverage technology to streamline and enhance the onboarding process. Use digital platforms for paperwork, training modules, and communication. Technology can save time, reduce errors, and create a more engaging experience.

6. Measuring Onboarding Success

To gauge the effectiveness of your onboarding process, establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs). These could include retention rates, time to productivity, and employee satisfaction surveys. Regularly evaluate and refine the onboarding process based on the results.

7. Common Onboarding Mistakes to Avoid

Effective onboarding is crucial for the success of both new employees and the organization. However, several common mistakes can hinder this process. To ensure a seamless experience, here are the pitfalls you should steer clear of:

  • Rushing the Process: One of the most common mistakes is rushing through the onboarding process. It’s essential to give new employees adequate time to acclimate to their roles and the company culture. Forcing them to absorb too much information too quickly can be overwhelming and counterproductive.
  • Information Overload: Bombarding new hires with an excessive amount of information in a short span can lead to confusion and stress. It’s important to strike a balance between providing essential information and overwhelming them with details.
  • Neglecting Feedback: Failing to gather feedback from new employees about their experience in onboarding is a missed opportunity for improvement. Regularly seeking input can help refine the process and address any issues or concerns promptly.
  • Isolation: Leaving new employees to fend for themselves can lead to feelings of isolation. Assigning a buddy or mentor to guide them through the initial days can significantly enhance their sense of belonging.
  • Lack of Personalization: One-size-fits-all onboarding doesn’t work. Neglecting to tailor the process to the individual needs, skills, and background of the new employee can make them feel like just another cog in the machine. Personalization creates a sense of uniqueness and belonging.
  • Ignoring Compliance and Safety: Failing to provide information on company policies, safety procedures, and legal compliance is a serious oversight. This information is crucial for the well-being of both employees and the organization.
  • Inadequate Training: Incomplete or insufficient training can leave employees ill-equipped to handle their roles. Comprehensive training, including job-specific and general company training, is essential for their success.
  • Poor Communication: Ineffective communication can lead to misunderstandings and confusion. Ensure that lines of communication are open and employees feel comfortable asking questions or seeking clarification.

8. Onboarding for Remote Teams

In the digital age, remote work is becoming increasingly common. Onboarding remote employees presents unique challenges. Effective communication, technology, and a sense of inclusion are key elements for success in this scenario.

9. The Importance of Ongoing Support

Onboarding isn’t limited to the first few weeks. Offering ongoing support and mentorship ensures that employees continue to grow and adapt within the organization. Regular check-ins, training updates, and opportunities for career advancement are vital.

In conclusion, It’s a critical phase in an employee’s journey with an organization. It’s the foundation upon which their success and satisfaction are built. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a better experience that not only attracts top talent but also retains and nurtures it.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What is the ideal duration for onboarding?

The duration of onboarding can vary depending on the complexity of the role and the organization. However, a standard onboarding process often spans several weeks to a few months to ensure that employees are fully integrated and productive.

2. How can I make the onboarding experience more engaging for new employees?

Focus on personalization, interactivity, and clear communication to be more engaged. Tailor the process to individual needs, incorporate hands-on activities, and maintain open lines of communication throughout.

3. What role does HR play in the onboarding process?

Human Resources (HR) plays a central role in onboarding. They handle administrative tasks, coordinate training, and facilitate the integration of new employees into the organization. HR ensures that the onboarding process is efficient and compliant with company policies.

4. How can onboarding benefit the company in the long run?

Effective onboarding benefits the company by reducing turnover, increasing employee satisfaction, and enhancing productivity. It fosters a sense of loyalty and commitment among employees, leading to long-term success and growth.

5. Can onboarding be adapted for different types of organizations, such as nonprofits or startups?

Absolutely! Onboarding principles can be adapted to suit the specific needs and culture of different organizations, including nonprofits and startups. The key is to align the process with the organization’s goals and values while meeting the needs of new employees.

Onboarding, the critical process of integrating new employees into an organization, can be seamlessly managed with Briohr. This innovative HR software simplifies the entire onboarding journey, from paperwork and document management to training and orientation. With Briohr, HR professionals can efficiently streamline the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience for both new hires and their employers. It provides a user-friendly platform to centralize information, automate tasks, and enhance communication, ultimately fostering a more productive and engaging onboarding process.

Visit for more information about experience in onboar

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Why EPF, SOCSO, and EIS Are Essential for Your Future Prosperity Tue, 07 Nov 2023 05:08:54 +0000 Reading Time: 5 mins In a world full of financial uncertainties, ensuring the well-being of employees is paramount. This article is your comprehensive guide to understanding the key pillars of […]

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Reading Time: 5 mins

In a world full of financial uncertainties, ensuring the well-being of employees is paramount. This article is your comprehensive guide to understanding the key pillars of financial security in the working world: Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Social Security Organization (SOCSO), and the Employment Insurance System (EIS). We’ll break down these essential components in plain, simple language so you can navigate your financial journey with confidence.

1. Employees Provident Fund (EPF): Your Savings Shield

What is EPF?

The Employees Provident Fund, often referred to as EPF, is a compulsory savings scheme designed to help employees secure their financial future. This initiative is regulated by the government, and both employees and employers make monthly contributions to the fund.

How does EPF work?

EPF operates on a simple principle – a portion of your monthly income, typically 11% of your basic salary, is deducted and deposited into a personal EPF account. Over time, this amount grows through investments made by the fund. These savings are designed to provide financial stability during your retirement years.

Benefits of contributing to EPF

Contributing to EPF offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Long-term savings for retirement.
  • Potential for attractive returns on investments.
  • Tax benefits
  • Housing and education withdrawals.
  • Financial support during emergencies and unforeseen circumstances.

2. Social Security Organization (SOCSO): Protecting You When You Need It

What is SOCSO?

The Social Security Organization, known as SOCSO, is a safety net for employees in Malaysia. It provides financial assistance and support to employees who face work-related accidents or illnesses. SOCSO aims to ensure that you and your loved ones are taken care of during tough times.

Who benefits from SOCSO?

SOCSO benefits all employees, regardless of their job type, industry, or income level. It covers both local and foreign workers, providing them with financial protection in the event of an accident or disability.

How to register for SOCSO?

Registering for SOCSO is typically the responsibility of your employer. They will ensure that your contributions are made, and you are covered by SOCSO. If you are self-employed or a gig worker, you can also register voluntarily to enjoy the benefits.

3. Employment Insurance System (EIS): Safety Net in Uncertain Times

Understanding EIS

The Employment Insurance System (EIS) is a government initiative that provides financial assistance to employees who have lost their jobs. It aims to support individuals during the challenging period of unemployment by offering temporary financial aid.

Eligibility for EIS benefits

To be eligible for EIS benefits, you must have made sufficient contributions to the EIS fund. You also need to meet specific criteria, such as being retrenched or involuntarily separated from your job.

How to make an EIS claim?

Claiming EIS benefits is a straightforward process. You can contact the EIS office, submit your application, and provide the necessary documentation. Once approved, you will receive financial support to help you through the difficult period of unemployment.

4. EPF vs. SOCSO vs. EIS: What Sets Them Apart?

EPF, SOCSO, and EIS are all essential components of financial security, but they serve different purposes. Let’s explore their key differences and similarities.

Key differences and similarities

  • EPF focuses on long-term savings for retirement, while SOCSO and EIS provide immediate financial assistance during unexpected events.
  • SOCSO primarily covers work-related accidents and illnesses, whereas EIS is dedicated to supporting the unemployed.
  • SOCSO and EIS are contributed by both employees and employers for Malaysia. Non Malaysian only Employer for SOCSO. No EIS contribution. 

Which one should you prioritize?

It’s important to note that compliance with all three schemes is legally mandatory in Malaysia, and employees should not prioritize one over the other regarding contributions. Each scheme serves a specific purpose in an employee’s financial well-being, and it’s essential to fulfill all obligations to benefit from these schemes when needed.

5. The Importance of Financial Security

Financial security is a fundamental aspect of a stable and worry-free life. It encompasses the ability to meet daily needs, weather unexpected emergencies, and plan for a comfortable retirement. In Malaysia, three key components – the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), the Social Security Organization (SOCSO), and the Employment Insurance System (EIS) – play a vital role in ensuring financial security.

Why does financial security matter?

Financial security matters because it underpins our ability to lead stable and fulfilling lives. It serves as a buffer against financial stress, allowing us to meet basic needs, handle emergencies, and plan for the future. Without financial security, individuals and families may find themselves vulnerable to economic shocks, unable to retire comfortably, or struggling to access essential healthcare and education. Financial security offers peace of mind, enabling us to focus on our well-being and aspirations rather than constant financial worry.

How does EPF, SOCSO, and EIS contribute?

EPF, SOCSO, and EIS play distinct roles in contributing to your financial security:

  • EPF builds your retirement savings.
  • SOCSO offers protection in case of work-related accidents or illnesses.
  • EIS provides a safety net during periods of unemployment.

6. Planning for Retirement with EPF

Building your retirement nest egg

EPF is a vital tool for building a comfortable retirement fund .The money saved in your EPF account grows over time thanks to investments made by the fund. This creates a substantial nest egg that you can rely on during your retirement years.

Withdrawal options and conditions

EPF allows withdrawals for specific purposes, such as purchasing a home, financing your child’s education, or covering medical expenses. However, there are conditions and restrictions for each type of withdrawal, ensuring that the money is used for its intended purpose.

EPF’s role in long-term financial stability

Your EPF savings are a cornerstone of your long-term financial stability. With consistent contributions and prudent management of your EPF account, you can look forward to a worry-free retirement.

7. Supporting Employees in Times of Need: SOCSO at Work

Medical benefits and coverage

SOCSO offers comprehensive medical benefits, covering the cost of treatment, hospitalization, and rehabilitation for work-related injuries or illnesses. This ensures that employees receive the necessary medical attention without worrying about expenses.

Employment injury and invalidity benefits

In cases of severe work-related injuries that result in disability or loss of earning capacity, SOCSO provides employment injury and invalidity benefits. This financial support helps affected individuals and their families maintain their quality of life.

Rehabilitation programs

SOCSO doesn’t just provide financial support; it also offers rehabilitation programs to help employees recover and return to the workforce. These programs include vocational training, skills development, and job placement assistance.

8. Unforeseen Circumstances: EIS Comes to the Rescue

Types of benefits provided

EIS offers various benefits, such as job search allowances, reduced income allowances, and re-employment placement programs. These benefits are designed to ease the financial burden of unemployment.

EIS during layoffs and retrenchment

EIS is especially valuable during layoffs and retrenchment, as it provides financial assistance when you need it most. It ensures that you can cover your essential expenses while actively seeking new employment opportunities.

Re-employment programs

EIS goes a step further by offering re-employment programs, including job placement services and skills training. This helps unemployed individuals quickly transition into new job opportunities.

9. Contributing to EPF, SOCSO, and EIS: A Wise Investment

How contributions are calculated?

  • Employees Provident Fund (EPF):
    • Contributions to EPF are typically a percentage of an employee’s monthly salary.
    • The employee contributes a portion of their salary, usually 11% of their monthly income, while the employer makes a matching contribution of 13%.
    • As per the information, these percentages were the standard rates, but they can vary slightly for specific categories of employees. It’s essential to check for the most up-to-date rates and any changes that might have occurred since then.
  • Social Security Organization (SOCSO):
    • SOCSO contributions are calculated based on a fixed percentage of an employee’s monthly salary.
    • According to the information, employees contribute 0.5% of their monthly salary, while employers contribute 1.75%. These percentages may have changed, so it’s important to verify the latest rates.
  • Employment Insurance System (EIS):
    • EIS contributions are also calculated based on a percentage of an employee’s monthly income.
    • The information said that employees contributed 0.2% of their monthly salary, while employers contributed 0.2% as well.
    • It’s important to check for any changes in these rates or regulations since my last knowledge update.

Employee and employer responsibilities

Both employees and employers have specific responsibilities regarding these funds. Employers must ensure that contributions are made, and employees need to stay informed about their rights and benefits.

The impact of regular contributions

Regular contributions to EPF, SOCSO, and EIS ensure that these systems function effectively. They also guarantee that you and your fellow employees are protected and supported in times of need.

10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What happens if my employer doesn’t make EPF, SOCSO, or EIS contributions?

If your employer fails to make these contributions, you have the right to report them to the relevant authorities. Employers are legally obligated to contribute to these funds, and any violations can result in penalties.

2. Can I withdraw my EPF savings before retirement?

Yes, you can withdraw your EPF savings for specific purposes, such as buying a home, paying for education, or covering medical expenses. However, there are conditions and restrictions for each type of withdrawal.

3. What should I do if I lose my job and need EIS benefits?

If you lose your job and require EIS benefits, contact the EIS office and submit your application with the necessary documentation. The process is designed to provide timely support during periods of unemployment.

4. What should I do if I’m injured at work and need SOCSO benefits?

In the event of a work-related injury, report the incident to your employer immediately. They will guide you through the process of seeking medical attention and applying for SOCSO benefits.

5. Can I contribute to EPF, SOCSO, or EIS if I’m self-employed or a freelancer?

Yes, you can voluntarily contribute to SOCSO, and self-employed individuals can also register for EIS. This ensures you enjoy the protection and benefits offered by these systems.

The post Why EPF, SOCSO, and EIS Are Essential for Your Future Prosperity appeared first on BrioHR.

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Why is the Malaysian Government Recommending Businesses to Use HR Software? Thu, 19 Oct 2023 03:23:48 +0000 Reading Time: 3 mins Does your business still rely on spreadsheets and file folders for human resource management? If so, you are missing out on major benefits! The Malaysian government […]

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Reading Time: 3 mins

Does your business still rely on spreadsheets and file folders for human resource management? If so, you are missing out on major benefits! The Malaysian government is actively encouraging companies of all sizes to adopt HR software through its digital economy push. Research shows HR software boosts efficiency, engagement, and compliance. 

This article will explore the advantages of HR solutions and reasons behind the government’s recommendation. By the end, you will understand how HR software can revolutionize your business like it has for others in Malaysia.

Benefits of HR Software

Managing human resources is an essential aspect of any business operation. However, many Malaysian companies still rely on manual processes and legacy systems like spreadsheets or paper records. These outdated methods lead to inefficiency, higher costs, and compliance issues. By implementing a modern HR software solution, businesses can streamline HR, improve the employee experience, and gain a competitive edge.

One major benefit of HR software is cost savings. According to the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF), companies can reduce HR expenses by up to 20% using HR information systems. Automation and data integration eliminate manual tasks, minimizing labor required for HR administration. Software also helps cut costs by optimizing processes like payroll and benefits management.

Another advantage is improved productivity. HR software centralizes data and provides self-service options for employees and managers. Employees can request leave, submit forms, or update profiles without going through HR staff. Managers have access to dashboards for faster reporting and decision making. Automation and simplified workflows mean HR teams can focus on high-value strategic tasks rather than admin.

HR software also enhances employee engagement and satisfaction. A Deloitte study found that employees in companies using HR software had higher job satisfaction. User-friendly self-service features and strong knowledge management keep employees informed and empowered. Robust analytics provide insights to improve programs and policies.

Finally, HR software helps businesses stay compliant with complex labor regulations in Malaysia. Software automates compliance processes and provides audit trails. Customizable workflows ensure legal requirements are embedded into daily operations. This gives peace of mind and avoids penalties for non-compliance.

Why Malaysian Government is Recommending HR Software

As part of its ongoing efforts to modernize and digitize tax services, coupled with a dedication to enhancing client support, the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (HASiL) plans to progressively introduce mandatory electronic services (e-Services) via the MyTax Portal, effective from 1 September 2023.

The Malaysian government actively advocates for HR software adoption through initiatives like the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). But why is HR technology a focus of the government’s digital transformation push?

Firstly, increasing HR software usage aligns with the national agenda for digitalization and economic development. Malaysia aims to be a high-income digital economy and global tech hub. Widespread technology adoption will strengthen the digital ecosystem.

The government also wants to support SMEs, which make up over 95% of businesses in Malaysia. SMEs often lack resources to digitize operations. HR software makes workforce management more efficient and cost-effective for small teams. Tax incentives are available to further encourage usage.

Research backing HR software’s business benefits influenced the government’s recommendation too. The MEF found 20% HR cost reductions while Deloitte confirmed higher engagement levels in companies with HR systems. The government wants to drive these outcomes across all sectors.

Additionally, HR software aids regulatory compliance, which supports the government’s labor rights and payroll policy objectives. HR technology makes it easier for businesses to track time, maintain records, and produce reports required by law.

The government itself has undergone HR digitalization for public sector workforce management. This demonstrated firsthand how HR software could enhance productivity and strategic capability. The experience provided insights that influence promotion of HR technology to private companies.

HR Software Use in Malaysia

The Malaysian government’s push for HR technology adoption is steadily influencing uptake. Though comprehensive adoption data is lacking, surveys provide insights into the growing usage of HR software among Malaysian businesses.

SME Corporation Malaysia found in 2021 that only 26% of SMEs were using HR information systems, indicating room for growth in HR software implementation. However, more large enterprises have transitioned to HR technology.

According to Nielsen, around 60% of multinational corporations in Malaysia currently use HR software, attracted by the promise of digital transformation. Top global vendors like SAP, Oracle, and Workday are active in the region.

However, homegrown systems like EP Asia’s ePerform also have a strong presence. The made-in-Malaysia software is popular for its localization to Malaysian employment regulations and HR best practices.

Across company sizes, frequently used HR software functions include payroll, leave management, recruitment, employee records, and performance reviews. Modules for learning management and analytics are on the rise as well.

Early adopters of HR technology, like Alliance Bank, have seen a 20% improvement in HR productivity. The bank automated workflows, giving employees and line managers more ownership through self-service portals.

Meanwhile, food manufacturer Ayam Brand transitioned its manual leave application process to online leave management software. The result was 70% faster leave processing and easier absence tracking.

As more Malaysian employers experience benefits like these, HR software adoption will accelerate. The government’s active encouragement through its digital economy agenda should speed up momentum. SMEs, in particular, have room for exponential growth with the help of incentives.

Why BrioHR is the Ideal Choice for Malaysian Businesses

Considering the push for HR software adoption in Malaysia, BrioHR stands out as a top choice:

Comprehensive Features: From payroll to performance management, BrioHR offers an all-in-one solution tailored for Malaysian regulations.

User-Friendly: Over 1000 companies trust BrioHR for its intuitive design, enabling HR to focus on strategic tasks.

Local Expertise: Designed with Malaysian employment practices in mind, BrioHR ensures compliance and efficiency.

With a secure, scalable, user-friendly platform, BrioHR covers the entire employee journey from recruitment to onboarding, payroll and claims, to performance and analytics, and more.

This enables business owners and HR teams to truly focus on what matters most – people.

Visit and get a free demo now.

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About Generative AI, Gig Workers, and Mental Health: News Roundup for August 2023 Wed, 30 Aug 2023 01:02:45 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins Like Taylor Swift said, August slipped away into a moment in time. We round up all the HR news from the region and beyond. Singapore Passport […]

The post About Generative AI, Gig Workers, and Mental Health: News Roundup for August 2023 appeared first on BrioHR.

Reading Time: 2 minsLike Taylor Swift said, August slipped away into a moment in time. We round up all the HR news from the region and beyond.

Singapore Passport Most Powerful in the World, Dethroning Japan

Singapore’s passport has surpassed Japan’s passport to become the world’s most powerful passport. This highlights Singapore’s strong position in international diplomacy and global mobility according to the Henley Passport Index, a ranking that assesses passport strength based on visa-free access to countries. Holders of Singaporean passports enjoy visa-free entry to 192 destinations out of 227 in the world.

Tesla Announces Entry into Malaysia, Creating High-Tech Jobs

Tesla has announced its investment and expansion plans into Malaysia with Cyberjaya as its hub for Southeast Asian expansion. The electric vehicle manufacturer aims to establish a presence in the country, signaling its commitment to tapping into the Southeast Asian market as growth plateaus in other markets. This move comes as part of Tesla’s broader strategy to expand its global footprint and capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable transportation solutions. The investment is expected to bolster Malaysia’s economy and potentially pave the way for greater adoption of electric vehicles in the region, as Tesla’s presence is likely to catalyze advancements in the local electric vehicle infrastructure and technology, as well as create thousands of high-tech jobs according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Base Salaries in Japan Jump Highest Since 1995

Japan has experienced the most significant increase in regular wages since 1995 following successful labour talks. This substantial rise in regular wages signals a positive development in the country’s labour market and will have implications for economic growth and consumer spending in the region. Japan’s largest labour organization Rengo said that major companies had agreed to average pay hikes of 3.58% this year, the highest since 3.9% in 1993.

Hong Kong Boards Show Increasing Diversity

Hong Kong-listed companies are showing increased diversity, according to the Hong Kong Board Monitor report by executive consultancy Heidrick & Struggles. Companies listed on the HKEx are placing greater importance on having diverse representation within their boardrooms, including women, first-time board directors, and those with wider executive experiences outside of the CEO and CFO. By incorporating individuals with varied backgrounds, skills, and perspectives, these companies aim to enhance decision-making processes, drive innovation, and strengthen their overall performance.

Japan and Korea Top Most Expensive Destinations to Employ Expatriates

Japan and Korea are the costliest countries in Asia for companies to relocate their employees internationally. Based on a study by ECA International, locations in Asia, Europe, and North America dominate the list of most expensive destinations. Factors like housing, schooling, and various allowances significantly contribute to the high costs faced by employers as well as the strength of the US dollar, the de facto universal currency used for expat pay.

Malaysia Rolls Out Digital Nomad Pass for Strategic Investors

The Malaysian government has recently introduced a new strategic immigration initiative to boost its manufacturing sector by issuing the Digital Nomad Pass and Strategic Investor Pass. These passes are targeted at investors who commit quality investments worth at least RM5 billion in certain manufacturing sectors. This will allow foreign individuals with expertise in relevant industries to work and stay in Malaysia for up to 10 years. This move aims to attract skilled professionals and encourage foreign investment in the country’s manufacturing sector. By embracing the digital nomad trend, Malaysia hopes to tap into a diverse talent pool and enhance its economic growth and competitiveness in the global market.

Learn how BrioHR can simplify HR for your business by getting a free demo here.

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]]> 0 2425
About Passports, Diversity, and High-Tech Manufacturing: News Roundup for July 2023 Thu, 27 Jul 2023 03:47:30 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins It’s July, which means half of the year has gone by! We round up more of the news around the HR world in July 2023. Singapore […]

The post About Passports, Diversity, and High-Tech Manufacturing: News Roundup for July 2023 appeared first on BrioHR.

Reading Time: 2 minsIt’s July, which means half of the year has gone by! We round up more of the news around the HR world in July 2023.

Singapore Passport Most Powerful in the World, Dethroning Japan

Singapore’s passport has surpassed Japan’s passport to become the world’s most powerful passport. This highlights Singapore’s strong position in international diplomacy and global mobility according to the Henley Passport Index, a ranking that assesses passport strength based on visa-free access to countries. Holders of Singaporean passports enjoy visa-free entry to 192 destinations out of 227 in the world.

Tesla Announces Entry into Malaysia, Creating High-Tech Jobs

Tesla has announced its investment and expansion plans into Malaysia with Cyberjaya as its hub for Southeast Asian expansion. The electric vehicle manufacturer aims to establish a presence in the country, signaling its commitment to tapping into the Southeast Asian market as growth plateaus in other markets. This move comes as part of Tesla’s broader strategy to expand its global footprint and capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable transportation solutions. The investment is expected to bolster Malaysia’s economy and potentially pave the way for greater adoption of electric vehicles in the region, as Tesla’s presence is likely to catalyze advancements in the local electric vehicle infrastructure and technology, as well as create thousands of high-tech jobs according to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Base Salaries in Japan Jump Highest Since 1995

Japan has experienced the most significant increase in regular wages since 1995 following successful labour talks. This substantial rise in regular wages signals a positive development in the country’s labour market and will have implications for economic growth and consumer spending in the region. Japan’s largest labour organization Rengo said that major companies had agreed to average pay hikes of 3.58% this year, the highest since 3.9% in 1993.

Hong Kong Boards Show Increasing Diversity

Hong Kong-listed companies are showing increased diversity, according to the Hong Kong Board Monitor report by executive consultancy Heidrick & Struggles. Companies listed on the HKEx are placing greater importance on having diverse representation within their boardrooms, including women, first-time board directors, and those with wider executive experiences outside of the CEO and CFO. By incorporating individuals with varied backgrounds, skills, and perspectives, these companies aim to enhance decision-making processes, drive innovation, and strengthen their overall performance.

Japan and Korea Top Most Expensive Destinations to Employ Expatriates 

Japan and Korea are the costliest countries in Asia for companies to relocate their employees internationally. Based on a study by ECA International, locations in Asia, Europe, and North America dominate the list of most expensive destinations. Factors like housing, schooling, and various allowances significantly contribute to the high costs faced by employers as well as the strength of the US dollar, the de facto universal currency used for expat pay.

Malaysia Rolls Out Digital Nomad Pass for Strategic Investors

The Malaysian government has recently introduced a new strategic immigration initiative to boost its manufacturing sector by issuing the Digital Nomad Pass and Strategic Investor Pass. These passes are targeted at investors who commit quality investments worth at least RM5 billion in certain manufacturing sectors. This will allow foreign individuals with expertise in relevant industries to work and stay in Malaysia for up to 10 years. This move aims to attract skilled professionals and encourage foreign investment in the country’s manufacturing sector. By embracing the digital nomad trend, Malaysia hopes to tap into a diverse talent pool and enhance its economic growth and competitiveness in the global market.

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About Graduate Hiring, Uncertain Employment, and Layoffs: News Roundup for June 2023 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 02:25:39 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins As we close out May and move into June, we round up the top HR-related news for the month. Singapore Employers Must Accept All Official Medical […]

The post About Graduate Hiring, Uncertain Employment, and Layoffs: News Roundup for June 2023 appeared first on BrioHR.

Reading Time: 2 minsAs we close out May and move into June, we round up the top HR-related news for the month.

Singapore Employers Must Accept All Official Medical Certificates

Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has emphasized that employers are legally obligated to accept all official medical certificates issued by registered medical practitioners under the Employment Act. The MOM’s clarification aims to address instances where employers reject certain medical certificates and highlights the importance of trusting medical professionals’ judgment when assessing employee medical conditions. This clarification aims to ensure fair treatment of employees and compliance with the law, emphasizing that employers should not question or disregard certified medical advice and must respect the medical leave entitlements of their employees.

Malaysia to Take Action against Firms That Hired Stranded Migrant Workers

The Malaysian government has announced that companies found to have employed migrant workers then leaving them stranded will face legal consequences. The move comes as part of Malaysia’s efforts to crack down on labour exploitation and protect the rights of migrant workers. The government has pledged to take action against employers who have hired these workers despite knowing their stranded status, and intends to impose strict penalties, including fines and possible imprisonment. This initiative highlights Malaysia’s commitment to combating labour abuses and ensuring fair treatment of migrant workers within the country.

Real Wages in Japan Fall Most in 8 Years

Real wages in Japan for fiscal year 2022 experienced the sharpest decline in eight years as inflation took its toll. This decline in real wages, which accounts for inflation, reflects the challenges faced by Japanese workers who are grappling with rising prices that outpace their income growth. The data suggests a growing financial strain on households, which could impact consumer spending and the overall economy.

Labour Productivity Increases in Malaysia

According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, labour productivity in Malaysia saw an increase in four out of five key sectors during the first quarter of 2023, recording a 2.1% growth in value per hour worked. The sectors that experienced growth were manufacturing, services, construction, and agriculture. This rise in productivity indicates positive economic growth and efficiency in these industries. However, the mining sector showed a decline in productivity. The overall trend suggests that Malaysia’s economy is performing well, with notable improvements in various sectors, which bodes well for the country’s economic outlook.

Hong Kong Introduces Workplace Heatstroke Guidance

The Hong Kong government has implemented a new guidance and warning system to prevent heatstroke at workplaces amid the increasing frequency of heatwaves in Asia. The system provides guidelines for employers on managing heat-related risks, including monitoring the workplace temperature, implementing regular breaks, and encouraging employees to stay hydrated. It also includes a heat index warning system that categorizes the level of heat stress and suggests appropriate precautionary measures. The initiative aims to protect workers’ health and safety during extreme heat conditions, promoting awareness and proactive measures to mitigate the risks of heat-related illnesses in the workplace.

Opposition Wins Historic Thai Election

The Election Commission of Thailand has declared the MFP (Move Forward Party) as the winner of the recent election held on Sunday. The MFP, led by Pita Limjaroenrat secured the most number of seats, giving them a significant victory in the political landscape of Thailand as alliances are struck to form the next government. MFP’s employment-related campaign promises include a minimum wage policy, boosting free trade, and getting rid of monopolies, among other reforms.

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About Medical Certificates, Real Wages, and Productivity: News Roundup for May 2023 Tue, 30 May 2023 02:36:00 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins As we close out May and move into June, we round up the top HR-related news for the month. Singapore Employers Must Accept All Official Medical […]

The post About Medical Certificates, Real Wages, and Productivity: News Roundup for May 2023 appeared first on BrioHR.

Reading Time: 2 minsAs we close out May and move into June, we round up the top HR-related news for the month.

Singapore Employers Must Accept All Official Medical Certificates

Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has emphasized that employers are legally obligated to accept all official medical certificates issued by registered medical practitioners under the Employment Act. The MOM’s clarification aims to address instances where employers reject certain medical certificates and highlights the importance of trusting medical professionals’ judgment when assessing employee medical conditions. This clarification aims to ensure fair treatment of employees and compliance with the law, emphasizing that employers should not question or disregard certified medical advice and must respect the medical leave entitlements of their employees.

Malaysia to Take Action against Firms That Hired Stranded Migrant Workers

The Malaysian government has announced that companies found to have employed migrant workers then leaving them stranded will face legal consequences. The move comes as part of Malaysia’s efforts to crack down on labour exploitation and protect the rights of migrant workers. The government has pledged to take action against employers who have hired these workers despite knowing their stranded status, and intends to impose strict penalties, including fines and possible imprisonment. This initiative highlights Malaysia’s commitment to combating labour abuses and ensuring fair treatment of migrant workers within the country.

Real Wages in Japan Fall Most in 8 Years

Real wages in Japan for fiscal year 2022 experienced the sharpest decline in eight years as inflation took its toll. This decline in real wages, which accounts for inflation, reflects the challenges faced by Japanese workers who are grappling with rising prices that outpace their income growth. The data suggests a growing financial strain on households, which could impact consumer spending and the overall economy.

Labour Productivity Increases in Malaysia

According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, labour productivity in Malaysia saw an increase in four out of five key sectors during the first quarter of 2023, recording a 2.1% growth in value per hour worked. The sectors that experienced growth were manufacturing, services, construction, and agriculture. This rise in productivity indicates positive economic growth and efficiency in these industries. However, the mining sector showed a decline in productivity. The overall trend suggests that Malaysia’s economy is performing well, with notable improvements in various sectors, which bodes well for the country’s economic outlook.

Hong Kong Introduces Workplace Heatstroke Guidance

The Hong Kong government has implemented a new guidance and warning system to prevent heatstroke at workplaces amid the increasing frequency of heatwaves in Asia. The system provides guidelines for employers on managing heat-related risks, including monitoring the workplace temperature, implementing regular breaks, and encouraging employees to stay hydrated. It also includes a heat index warning system that categorizes the level of heat stress and suggests appropriate precautionary measures. The initiative aims to protect workers’ health and safety during extreme heat conditions, promoting awareness and proactive measures to mitigate the risks of heat-related illnesses in the workplace.

Opposition Wins Historic Thai Election

The Election Commission of Thailand has declared the MFP (Move Forward Party) as the winner of the recent election held on Sunday. The MFP, led by Pita Limjaroenrat secured the most number of seats, giving them a significant victory in the political landscape of Thailand as alliances are struck to form the next government. MFP’s employment-related campaign promises include a minimum wage policy, boosting free trade, and getting rid of monopolies, among other reforms.

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About Labour Rights, Employee Retention, and the Retirement Age: HR News Roundup for April 2023 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 02:06:09 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins It is said that April showers bring May flowers. Would that be true in the world of HR? We round up the top news in April […]

The post About Labour Rights, Employee Retention, and the Retirement Age: HR News Roundup for April 2023 appeared first on BrioHR.

Reading Time: 2 minsIt is said that April showers bring May flowers. Would that be true in the world of HR? We round up the top news in April 2023.

EU to Back Labour Rights, Environmental Checks for Companies

The European Parliament has approved a proposal requiring large companies operating in the EU to conduct labour rights and environmental due diligence checks across their entire supply chains, making them liable for any harm caused. The measure aims to ensure that multinational companies are held accountable for their impacts on people and the planet, and to prevent human rights abuses, deforestation, and other environmental harms. The companies will also have to submit annual reports outlining their actions to address potential risks and adverse impacts. The measure will come into effect in 2023 and could lead to fines for non-compliance.

Malaysia Investigates Cases of Stranded Migrant Workers

Malaysia is investigating the cases of migrant workers who have been left without passports and jobless, reportedly due to their employers seizing their travel documents. Activists say that the issue is widespread and has become more prevalent since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Workers who are left without passports and jobs are left in a precarious position, as they cannot legally work in the country or leave. The Malaysian government has said that they are taking the matter seriously and are investigating the allegations.

Singapore Allows More Foreign Visitors to Use Automated Clearance Initiative

Singapore has expanded its Automated Clearance Initiative (ACI) system to eligible visitors from 35 additional jurisdictions, including Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Australia, and Macau. The system allows eligible visitors to clear immigration using automated kiosks instead of queuing at manned counters, saving time and improving efficiency. The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) expects 95% of all arrivals at Changi Airport to be cleared through ACI by 2024. The expansion of ACI is part of Singapore’s efforts to enhance its border clearance processes and improve the travel experience for visitors.

Learning and Skills Development Critical for Employee Retention

The lack of opportunities for skills development could drive top talent away from organizations, according to a survey by Workplace Intelligence. The survey found that over 80% of employees, notably Millennial and Generation Z staff believe that the responsibility of skills development falls on the employer. Furthermore, over 60% of respondents said that they would consider leaving their current organization due to a lack of training and development opportunities. The survey also revealed that 88% of employees are already putting a significant amount of time and effort towards improving their own skills.

Meta Pauses Remote Work Hiring Despite Pandemic Pledge

Meta has paused remote work hiring and placed a hiring freeze in some of its divisions following mass layoffs in its non-technical workforce. The company had announced in June 2021 that it would be allowing most of its employees to work remotely permanently. However, this new decision is a result of the company’s aim to rebalance its workforce towards technical roles as it invests more in areas such as virtual and augmented reality. The company has not disclosed how many jobs were affected by the layoffs. In a March 2023 notice to employees, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that data suggested “engineers who either joined Meta in-person and then transferred to remote or remained in-person performed better on average than people who joined remotely”.

Malaysia Debates Increasing Retirement Age

Proposals to increase the retirement age from 60 to 65 has sparked a debate among Malaysians. Some argue that the move would help address the country’s aging population and labor shortage issues, while others believe that it would lead to younger workers struggling to find jobs and result in a decrease in productivity among older workers. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the impact on retirement savings and the ability of older workers to maintain their health and well-being in the workforce. The government has yet to make a final decision on the matter.

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About eVisas, Credit Suisse, and Jobs: HR News Roundup for March 2023 Thu, 30 Mar 2023 01:18:15 +0000 Reading Time: 2 mins The first quarter of 2023 is almost over. Time sure flies, doesn’t it? We round up the top HR news stories of March 2023. Malaysia’s eVISA […]

The post About eVisas, Credit Suisse, and Jobs: HR News Roundup for March 2023 appeared first on BrioHR.

Reading Time: 2 minsThe first quarter of 2023 is almost over. Time sure flies, doesn’t it? We round up the top HR news stories of March 2023.

Malaysia’s eVISA System Now Available in Singapore

Malaysia’s eVISA system can now be accessed in Singapore by any nationalities that require a visa to enter Malaysia. It offers Single Entry Visa (SEV) and Multiple Entry Visa (MEV) options. Applicants can apply via the Immigration Department of Malaysia’s website.

Credit Suisse Employees Desperately Looking for New Jobs

Bankers employed by embattled Swiss bank Credit Suisse have been reportedly been inundating headhunters with calls after its takeover by rival UBS. Employees are said to be feeling frustrated by the bank’s ongoing restructuring plans, with one source claiming they had been told their roles were safe only to find themselves in the redundancy line. The bank has said it plans to cut costs by CHF1.2 billion (US$1.3 billion) this year, primarily through reducing staff numbers.

Indonesia Passes Jobs Decree

Indonesia’s parliament has passed a controversial jobs decree into law, which aims to boost foreign investment by simplifying business permits and cutting red tape, while also relaxing labour protections. The law has faced widespread opposition and protests from labour unions and civil society groups, who argue that it will hurt workers’ rights and make it easier for companies to exploit them. The government has defended the law, saying it is necessary to create jobs and spur economic growth in the country, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tech Jobs Dominate Best Jobs in 2023

Indeed, one of the world’s largest job search engines, has released its list of the best jobs of 2023 based on salary, job opportunities, and growth potential. The top three jobs on the list are in the tech industry: machine learning engineer, data scientist, and cybersecurity specialist. Other notable jobs include digital marketing specialist, renewable energy technician, and healthcare administrator. The pandemic has accelerated the demand for jobs in technology, healthcare, and renewable energy, which are expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

Unemployment Falls in Malaysia

According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), the number of employed persons in Malaysia increased by 28,900 in January 2023 compared to the previous month. The labour force participation rate also increased by 0.1 percentage point to 68.9%, while the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.1%. The services sector continued to be the largest employer, accounting for 56.3% of the employed persons, followed by the manufacturing sector at 17.3%. The DOSM also reported a rise in the average monthly salaries and wages of employees, with the mean salary increasing by 2.5% and the median salary increasing by 3.0% compared to the same month in the previous year.

Singapore Employers That Hire Foreign Nationals Must Confirm Their Academic Credentials.

Starting September of this year, companies in Singapore that hire foreign nationals will be required to verify the educational qualifications of their employees through a new verification system, according to a statement by the Minister of Manpower Tan See Leng. This system will help employers ensure that the foreign workers they hire have the necessary skills and qualifications for their jobs, while also preventing the use of fake degrees and certificates. The system will be implemented gradually, starting with selected industries and expanding to cover all sectors by 2024. Companies that fail to comply with the new regulations may face penalties, including fines and restrictions on hiring foreign workers.

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